Sciety product news 26/2023

Learn about some of the fit and finish work around recently shipped functionality on Sciety.

2 years ago   •   1 min read

By Mark Williams

Fortnightly roundup of what we've been working on; new features, improvements and fixes and what we are going to do next from, the home of public preprint curation.

🚀 What's new?

  • We found that when groups produce multiple curation statements, for example for different versions of a preprint, it can be confusing for readers, so we now only show the most recent one per group.
  • We have provided more context inline with GDPR to our list subscription.
  • Updated our legal page to include information on Mailchimp and Jotform tools.
  • Applied horizontal margins more consistently across the site.
  • Made some pagination improvements to highlight page numbers and previous/next older/newer button.
  • Improved the vertical spacing on search results page for related groups.
  • decluttered the search results page by removing tabs as we think that these are confusing to use within search.
  • We believe that readers want to navigate straight to the science to see what people think, so we have increased the visibility of the group feed by making it the default tab.

🔜 What's next?

  • We have some new homepage content in the pipeline.
  • We expect to do more work to represent the state of the review activity, for example reflecting reviews that have been removed elsewhere.
  • We're looking to experiment with more ways in which people can keep up to date with review and curation activity and ways in which individual curators can provide context to their lists.

💭 Let us know what you think

We want to build Sciety with you and we welcome all feedback and ideas. Book a 1:1 call with the team to learn more about our latest changes and help us plan the for the future for equitable, open research outputs. We offer £30 compensation for your time where possible.

🔗 Stay connected

We’ll be back in a couple of weeks with everything that's happening on Sciety.

Until then, you can find us on Twitter, Mastodon, Facebook, LinkedIn and Youtube.

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