Sciety product news 8/2023

a year ago   •   1 min read

By Mark Williams

We continue to work on onboarding journey's this week, improving how we notify people about constraints of providing a name and handle.

šŸš€ In delivery

  • We've added some error handling to our Sign Up form on our staging site to notify people about common errors.
  • We've created a production tenancy on Auth0, our authentication provider to ensure we are ready to release the new sign up/log in flow.

šŸ•µļø In discovery

  • We're continuing to evaluate the new sign-up flow on Sciety. If you have ten minutes to offer your help, please get in touch.

šŸ‘€ At a glance

Some weekly stats you might find interesting. This details the evaluation activity on Sciety over the last 6 months.

Number of evaluations and evaluated articles on Sciety over the last 6 months
Number of evaluations and evaluated articles on Sciety over the last 6 months, excluding automated reviews such as those by ScreenIT

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