Peer Review Week 2021
Our contribution will focus on bringing in the perspective of how extensive this can be, what is achievable and the possibility to harness community effort through new technology.
Our contribution will focus on bringing in the perspective of how extensive this can be, what is achievable and the possibility to harness community effort through new technology.
Providing a platform for Groups that are reviewing, evaluating and screening preprints to focus on doing what they know best, is our core foundation.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, eLife/Sciety, EMBO and Knowledge Futures to pilot the DocMaps framework in community preprint reviews and evaluations
In an age where an audience can be spread across the globe, ensuring equitable engagement is at the forefront of our outreach efforts in this regard.
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There are some good examples of curation happening with researchers using Sciety
Some of the many positive points raised about curation in general were its ability to...
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